A monthly dose of write-amins
The Role Of Crowdfunding In Spreading Hope During Disasters
Crowdfunding is proving to be vital in ensuring essential supplies reach hundreds of people

Cause of the month
One Of The Deadliest Earthquakes Has Destroyed Turkey
Countless lives ended while so many are struggling for the bare minimum even weeks after the tragedy
Timely help can save them

You made it happen!
A True Testament Of Borderless Humanity
Ready-to-eat food, blankets, winter tents, and medicines were delivered to Turkey with your support

You’re the boss
“I’ve always tried to help others whenever I could and seeing another being suffer truly brings tears to my eyes. Watching Donatekart help lakhs of people and animals gives me hope again. We all have a purpose in life and as said by Lord Krishna, our purpose is to serve people and animals around us. And I admire and respect Donatekart’s purpose of being a helping hand to countless beings.”
– Anamika

Donatekart Suggests
Amidst the devastation in Turkey and Syria, several stories of kindness have come to light. The movie ‘The Good Lie’ directed by Philippe Falardeau is about one such true story that shows the deep impact kindness can have. Reese Witherspoon plays Carrie Davis, an American who helps Sudanese refugees who lost everything in the civil war. A riveting and heartwarming story, this movie is a must-watch.