A monthly dose of write-amins
This Holiday Season, Make This World A Better Place
Spread the joy of Christmas to hundreds with these meaningful acts of kindness

Cause of the month
Dogs Coats To Keep These Furry Babies Warm
For 15 years, Sanjay Mahapatra has been saving hundreds of sick and injured animals
Read about his tireless efforts here

You made it happen!
Widows In Vrindavan Can Stay Safe This Winter
Over 5000+ of you came together to donate blankets & winter wear to hundreds of matajis

You’re the boss
“When I learned about Donatekart, I realised the true meaning of donation. I could see how society needed our help and how with just a single click we could make a world of difference. They’re a transparent and genuine platform that provides every detail of the donation made, how it is being used to help others etc. I am so glad I came across Donatekart!”
– Pinal Bhatt

Donatekart Suggests
If you’re looking for a whimsical, easy but fascinating read this holiday season, then Salman Rushdie’s Haroun and the Sea of Stories is perfect for you. The book is for adults and children alike and follows the journey of a young boy, Haroun who sets out on an adventure of a lifetime. The book is filled with magical realism and is sure to make you laugh.