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They’re Voiceless But Their Pain Is Real: The Life Of Animals With Disabilities

2 min read

Animals with disabilities, like humans, have special needs. All they require is some extra love and care. Mobility issues, such as joint pain or a missing limb, may occur in some animals. On a daily basis, we encounter a large number of stray animals under these conditions. There are also…


Is The Social Sector Building A Culture Of Empathy For Its Own People?

3 min read

What’s the first image that comes to your mind when you think of someone working in the social sector? Is it that of an underpaid individual struggling to make ends meet but too passionate about her cause to leave her job at the non-profit? Someone whose days are spent shuttling…


How Rabindranath Tagore Influenced Education In Modern India

2 min read

Rabindranath Tagore’s philosophy on education and his literary genius established a learning atmosphere that was far ahead of its time. Tagore started writing poetry at the tender age of 8 years. By the time he was 16, he had released his first collection of poems. As a prolific writer, his…


Companies Today Don’t Just Think About Profits, They’re Also Giving Back

2 min read

Giving back to the community is always a good feeling. From simple gestures to donating to charities, we always feel happy and vital. Scientific research also shows that donation and similar altruistic actions not only help in the release of endorphins and make us ‘happy-high’ but it also, among other…


#DonatekartSpills: Here’s What Gen Z Wants Their Employers To Know

2 min read

Gen Z or “Generation Z” are people born between the years 1997- 2012. The oldest members of Gen Z have already entered the workforce, and they are a lot different in their perspectives and expectations from their predecessors- the millennials. Gen Z is a generation born into a world transformed…