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Help The Teachers Who Have Been Affected By The Pandemic

    Feel free to ask Campaigner for a new update on this Fundraiser.


    Private teachers are among the worst affected by the pandemic. Ever since the beginning of the first wave, they’ve been scrambling - for work, for a place to live and for a handful of food. Their children are going hungry every day, their jobs have been taken away from them, and during the lockdowns imposed, they can’t even find other means of earning a livelihood. 

    During the second wave, they’re struggling even more. There seems to be no end to their suffering. Their only hope lies in the goodwill of people coming forward to help.

    Many of the private teachers are facing a lot of problems due to  pandemic. Please come forward and help them.

    This cause is supported by some NGO's -Ganama's,Sthira Foundation,Navayuva Vidyarthi Samakhya And Weforyou.

    Lets unite and come forward to help them by donating some Groceries to them from outside.

    About the NGO

    Blooddonorslifesavers is an NGO working to full fill all the blood requirements. In this pandemic situation we have started food to covid patients and Groceries Distribution to all the needy families. Till now we have delivered food to 800 families. Groceries we have donated more than 2000 families.

    Note: All the donations  towards this campaign is eligible for Indian Tax Exemption.


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