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Help us provide doctors with COVID19 preventive gear in India

    Feel free to ask Campaigner for a new update on this Fundraiser.


    Our doctors and healthcare professionals are risking their lives out on the front lines in this dangerous battle against the Corona pandemic. They’re exposing themselves to this deadly virus every single day sacrificing their sleep so that they can carry India through this horrible pandemic.  

    Our doctors need to be protected at all time so that they can prevent the Corona virus from infecting them. There is a dire need of preventive gear that can effectively protect the doctors. As of now, they’re using N95 masks. However, these masks only cover the mouth and the nose and keep their eyes, and ears exposed throughout the time. 

    During the SARS outbreak in 2002, one-fifth of all cases were in health care workers. India’s entering the third phase of the pandemic.

    These face shields will be distributed to doctors who’re on the front lines fighting to save our lives from COVID 19. Help us protect our doctors by donating as little as you can. 

    The little that you donate can help save a doctor from this deadly disease. 

    Note: Donations towards this fundraiser are not eligible for any tax deduction such as 80G, 501(c) etc.

    Note: Campaign has been relaunched with new pricing and this campaign is no longer accepting donations


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