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These Abandoned Beggars and Poor Rickshaw Pullers Need Your Help In This Chilling Winter To End Their Hunger and Get One Meal At A Time
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Dear friends,
It's really sad that lots of people still don't have the simple things they need. The Beggars, Rickshaw Pullers who can't afford two meals a day, the stranded Children, and the elderly are not even able to fill their empty stomachs. They’re facing a daily battle for survival. Our mission is to transform this reality.
And you can be a part of this. Join our mission of providing at least a single meal a day in these chilling winter months of January and February and help us feed many more in need.
Your support can help us bring a positive change to their lives and ensure that no one has to go to bed hungry.
Thanks and Regards,
Chandan Das
Make A Difference Every Month
With our Social Investment Plan, you can now be a changemaker every month, and help uplift and empower those who are suffering.
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