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Save man’s best friend, a collar at a time!

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    Year on year, thousands of strays are left on the roads to wander in search of food, shelter and water. According to the World Health Organization, in 2018, there were more than 35 million strays out on the roads. This figure has been growing each day as these furry guys aren’t spayed or neutered. Millions of them wander the roads, and it’s a danger for their lives, especially during the night times. Often at night car drivers run over these strays as they are hard to see during the night. 

    Isn’t it such a horrible sight when you see a puppy dead on the road? Have you ever noticed how when a puppy dies, other dogs scatter all around it crying and wailing? This is a plight we don’t notice. This is a sadness that we might not understand.

    It’s not just a stray, it’s a precious life that needs to be saved. 

    We might not be able to keep all these puppies out of the streets. However, we can play a vital role in saving their precious lives.

    Radium collars are useful in helping us see the dogs at night. The radium reflects off their collars when headlights and lights fall on them. This allows drivers to spot dogs. Radium dog collars look similar to an ordinary dog collar. This radium is reflective and helps in spotting stray dogs. Many cyclists and construction workers wear reflective clothes to appear as visible as they can on the road. 

    Dogs out on the road require these radium collars to stay alive. With a few simple clicks, you can save the life of a puppy! These puppies are unwanted, unloved and are not cared for. You can change that. 

    Something as simple as a radium collar can help these puppies live a long life. You can do that.

    You can be the reason that man’s best friend can live a happy life. Donate a collar now.

    Beneficiary NGOs:

    1. Posh Foundation - POSH FOUNDATION is a Delhi NCR based NGO actively involved in Animal welfare and awareness related issues.

    2. Animal Peers - Team ANIMAL PEERS, founded at the beginning of this year in Aurangabad (Maharashtra), have reached the cause in the following ways until Coronvirus outbreak- 

    1. Animal Peers Team was feeding more than 1500 stray dogs, cats & cows & other animals within Aurangabad city, every day.
    2. We have rescued around 100 dogs and cats and are being taken care of at our shelter homes.
    3. We were sourcing edible food supplies from more than 2000 households and 20 restaurant operators in the city, to feed stray, homeless animals.
    4. We have installed more than 250 drinking water pots across various locations in Aurangabad.
    5. We have provided medical treatments to hundreds of wounded animals and we continue to do so as we come across the needy.

    Note: Donations towards this fundraiser are not eligible for any tax deduction such as 80G, 501(c) etc.


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