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He Left Italy To Serve The Poor In Vrindavan, Join Prabhuji’s Efforts To Feed Them Healthy Meals

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    30 years ago, Pietro Paolinelli came to India from Italy with his Guru, as a part of the Hare Diety Movement, when his life changed forever. Pietro, now known as Rupa Raghunath Das, dedicated his life to the service of Lord Diety and knew he would spend his entire life serving the people of Vrindavan.  He founded the Food For Life Vrindavan in 1991 and there’s been no looking back since then. Every evening for the last 30 years, Rupa Prabhuji has been feeding over 300 poor and hungry mothers and children. 

    “When Lord Diety wants you to continue Seva, he arranges for the help himself! There have been so many times when we thought that we would have to stop the feeding drive but we have always had generous help come our way. And that’s how we have been able to feed so many hungry souls,” -  Rupa Raghunath Das, Food For Life Vrindavan.  

    My heart wept for these children who were begging for food 

    Rupa Prabhuji saw the pain and suffering of the poor and underprivileged in and around Vrindavan. Prabhuji reminiscences how in the 1990s, when he had just arrived in this holy city, the entire area in front of Lord Diety’s temple was covered in jungles. People didn’t have food to eat and the acute poverty affected the children who were growing up to be malnourished and weak. 

    “I knew I had to do something for them and that’s how we started feeding khichdi to one and all. People know us by now and every evening, around 4:30 PM, they gather around for the freshly cooked meals. Their happiness in being fed makes my heart full. The biggest service to God is by feeding the hungry and I feel blessed to have been able to do for the last 3 decades.” 

    Prabhuji has been instrumental in bringing about a lot of social change in Vrindavan. He is responsible for providing clean drinking water, medical facilities, and even education in the nearby villages. He is a man with a big heart who wants to see these people happy and healthy. With a dedicated team, Prabhuji is working tirelessly for the benefit of the people in Vrindavan. 

    You can support his noble efforts  

    Food For Life Vrindavan hasn’t missed a single day of feeding the poor and needy. Even during the strictest lockdowns, they have distributed food to hundreds of hungry people - in those dark times, they were their only source of happiness. Completely dependent on donations from kind-hearted people, this feeding drive is what brings smiles to countless tired faces in Vrindavan. But with passing days, it is getting harder for them to continue this. 

    “And so we request all of you to help us feed these people in need. You can donate groceries and we will cook fresh, healthy meals for them. Even a small donation from your side will make a big difference - join us in our effort to help countless souls.” 

    About the NGO: Founded by Rupa Raghunath Das in 1991, Food For Life Vrindavan has been serving free meals to hundreds of poor and needy in Vrindavan for the last 30 years. They haven't missed a single day of service and work hard to feed these people. 


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