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Give Over 4500 Helpless & Injured Cows A Life Of Health & Dignity, Support Gopal Gosadan Today

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    “Over the last 27 years, I’ve seen cows in all kinds of conditions. I’ve seen them injured, sick, starving and challenged. I’ve seen them suffer through some of the most difficult times, but I’ve also seen them recover when they’re given the right kind of care. We started with just 35 cows, and now we look after over 4,500 of them, and I believe it’s our duty and responsibility to care for them.” - Pramod Sehrawat, General Secretary, Gopal Gosadan Harewali Foundation

    With over 150+ volunteers to look after these cows, the people and the cows at Gopal Gosadan are no less than family to each other. Love, dedication and kindness are what make this a safe place for hundreds of cows. However, they now need your support to continue this noble work and serve many more cows in need.

    The Gaumatas Health Is Of Utmost Importance To Them

    Started in 1994, Gopal Gosadan Harewali Foundation in New Delhi was started by the Late Shri Ashok Singhal, the then president of the Vishva Hindu Parishad with an aim to give gaumatas the respect and dignity they deserve.

    Today, Gopal Gosadan looks after and provides medical care to countless cows. They save cows from illness, starvation and slaughter and ensure they are well-fed and given a safe home. With a 24x7 veterinary doctor on the premises and two medicine storage rooms, they ensure that timely treatment is always available to these cows.

    “We even have an ambulance service to pick up injured or sick cows. Sick cows are kept in a special medical ward where we have 6 people dedicatedly looking after them. These wards are well-ventilated and even have heaters for the winter months. We ensure that all their health  requirements are met, but we’re facing a few challenges now.”

    They Now Need Your Support To Save These Innocent Cows

    Many of the cows weigh 1.5-2 tons, and for those who are challenged or have fractured their legs, it becomes extremely difficult to move them without causing them pain. This also puts them at risk of further aggravating their injuries and leaves them suffering. To ensure that this doesn’t happen, Gopal Gosadan needs your support to get a cow-lifting machine. 

    “This will really help us a lot. We get a lot of cows who are injured or challenged, and multiple people moving them is only hurting them more. This machine will make this process less traumatic for these innocent animals. We also need your support to get food for the cows so that they’re given the right nutrition they need to recover.”

    Your contribution towards the cow-lifting machine and food will not only give the 4500+ cows at Gopal Gosadan a better life but will also help them take in many more such injured and sick cows.

    About the NGO:

    Started in 1994, Gopal Gosadan Harewali Foundation in New Delhi was started by the Late Shri Ashok Singhal, the then president of the Vishva Hindu Parishad with an aim to give gaumatas the respect and dignity they deserve. They started by looking after 35 cows, and today have over 4500+ of them. Here, all the cow’s needs are looked after - from food to medical treatment, no stone is left unturned for their care. 


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