Campaign Closed

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Help animals who suffer every day. One donation, twice the help.

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    This campaign's aim is to engage the community to promote animal welfare, sterilization, and adoption.

    Schools are going to start after 15 June. We run education programs where we motivate children to be kind to animals and promote animal welfare by making them participate in drawing competitions, quiz etc.

    On the other hand, we work with the community to catch the stray dogs for sterilization to reduce the dog population in the city and reduce the risk of rabies through vaccinating the dogs that are brought for the procedure.

    These products will help us run both programs. We always struggle because the Government has got limited resources to support our work. We completely rely on donations and your help which is much appreciated.

    Please come forward to donate a few products for innocent animals. Your help will mean the world to us. Help Animals India has very kindly offered to match your every donation. This is will go a long way in helping us save animals.


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    With our Social Investment Plan, you can now be a changemaker every month, and help uplift and empower those who are suffering.

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