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Be The Guardian Of 300+ Helpless Cows, Support Shri Krishna Seva Gaushala Today

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    “Two years ago, our gaushala caught fire. It was the most terrifying and heartbreaking sight. Our gaushala was completely engulfed in flames, and our cows were desperately trying to escape the smoke. Everyone around could hear their painful cries. Unfortunately, 42 of them suffered severe burns and it took a long time to recover from it. That might seem like a setback, but our love for these innocent animals only increased, and we were twice as determined to help many more of them,” - Suraj Kumar, National President, Shri Krishna Seva Gaushala Trust

    Suraj didn’t give up. He rebuilt the gaushala, and it now houses over 300 cows that have been rescued from cruelty, illness, and terrible conditions. These cows receive nutritious food every day, along with the necessary medical care, and have found a permanent place to call home, free from pain and suffering.

    It Is More Than A Gaushala - It Is A Place Where These Animals Receive The Utmost Love, Respect, And Care

    The Shri Krishna Seva Gaushala Trust in Ghaziabad, UP, was established with the principle that in Sanatan Dharma and Hindu scriptures, the service of cows is considered among the greatest. With this in mind, the 65+ gausevaks and everyone at this gaushala work day and night for these animals. They are more than just a gaushala - they look after these cows with utmost love and respect.

    “Many people who start and run gaushalas believe that all they have to do is lock the cattle in a pen and provide them with feed, fodder, and water. These animals are kept very poorly. They stand in the open during rain, bright sunlight, or cold. There is usually overcrowding, and animals cannot move freely. They’re usually fed the cheapest hay and the water trough is badly maintained. Sewage/drainage systems do not exist, and animals stand in their own feces. Their legs become infected, they cannot sit or stand, and they die quickly from reduced immunity and increased infection. However, at our gaushala, we ensure that the gaumatas never face any of this. Each and every minute detail is taken care of to meet their needs.”

    In addition to providing the animals with nutritious food and suitable shelter, they also ensure that the animals receive top-quality medical care. This includes regular examinations by veterinarians and appropriate treatment to address any health issues.

    “Most cow shelters lack a veterinary doctor or surgical unit. When an animal falls ill, it often remains untreated until it dies. At our gaushala, we ensure that all cows receive the necessary medical care and treatment, regardless of their condition. When they are brought here, their health and wellbeing is our complete responsibility.”

    Help Them Rescue Many More Gaumatas In Need

    The Shri Krishna Seva Gaushala Trust serves as a beacon of compassion and care for hundreds of cows in need. However, to continue their noble mission, they require support from kind-hearted individuals like you. Your contribution can ensure that these gentle creatures receive nutritious fodder, essential medicines, and an ambulance.

    "With a dedicated ambulance, we can respond swiftly to emergencies, ensuring that no time is wasted in providing essential medical treatment to injured or sick cows. With your support we can continue giving them the best care."

    Your generosity will not only support the lives of these animals but also uphold the values of love, respect, and compassion at the gaushala.

    About the NGO: The Shri Krishna Seva Gaushala Trust in Ghaziabad, UP, is more than just a shelter for cows; it's a sanctuary where these animals receive unparalleled love, respect, and care. Established with the principle that the service of cows is among the greatest in the scriptures, the trust, led by Suraj Kumar, tirelessly works day and night for the well-being of these innocent beings. They ensure that every cow, whether rescued from cruelty, illness, or terrible conditions, finds a permanent home where nutritious food, suitable shelter, and top-quality medical care are provided without compromise. With over 300 cows housed and cared for, the trust's commitment to their health and happiness is unwavering. Through their dedication and compassion, they have transformed setbacks into opportunities to serve even more animals in need.


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