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Despite Working Hard All Their Lives, These Bulls Are Now Abandoned & Sick

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    We hear about atrocities against cows every day. They’re abandoned, abused, injured and often left to fend for themselves once they’ve stopped giving milk. They’re also sent to slaughterhouses and face immense pain because of humans. But did you know that bulls too go through a similar ordeal?  

    “Bulls work hard all their lives and are used to plough and till agricultural land across India. However, once they’re old, no one looks after them. Thousands of them are left starving and without shelter, often dying a painful death because of diseases or injuries. What have they done to deserve this fate? We’re surviving because of them and yet people see no value in them after they’re old.” - Dhirendra Kanabar, Trustee 

    Sadbhavna Balad Ashram in Rajkot, Gujarat has been saving the lives of these helpless and abandoned bulls ever since 2021. Their determination to give these bulls a better and more comfortable life has truly made a huge difference already.

    After Helping Elderly People For Years, They Want To Give Animals The Same Respect

    Sadbhavna Balad Ashram was started under Sadbhavna Vrudhashram when the founder of the old age home, Vijay Dobariya decided to build a shelter for bulls after noticing the terrible conditions they had to suffer through. Sadbhavna Vrudhashram is already a well know old age home where the elderly have a safe place and all their needs are taken care of. Vijay wanted to do the same for bulls too. He believes that whether it’s a human being or an animal, every old and helpless being deserves to be treated with respect. 

    What started with 11 bulls has now grown to a family of 750+ elderly bulls at one of the most unique ashrams in all of Gujarat. 

    “We take in those bulls who are extremely ill, have nowhere to go and nothing to eat. Here they’re given fresh food, shelter and all the medicines they need. Their well-being is of utmost importance to us. We’ve also appealed to the heads of the nearby villages to inform us in case they come across sick, injured or abandoned bull. There’s a place for all these helpless souls here.” 

    Sadbhavna Balad Ashram continues to get rescue calls every day and while they’re motivated to help every bull in need, they can’t do it without some support. 

    Fodder & Medicines Can Change Their Lives 

    A bull was once found laying on the road after being abandoned by a farmer because of illness. He was old and appeared to be injured too. When he was brought to the ashram, there didn’t seem to be much hope given his age and weakness. However, with love, kindness and the right treatment, he survived. This is the story of so many bulls that they’ve rescued at Sadbhavna Balad Ashram. And with your support, they can save many more. 

    “Because of their age, it’s important for us to feed them nutritious food regularly. They also need regular medication. But all of this is difficult for us to afford without your help. These two essentials can make all the difference to these bulls.” 

    Donate fodder and medicines to ensure hundreds of bulls are given the care and treatment they need to live comfortably in the last years of their lives.

    About The NGO: Sadbhavna Balad Ashram was started in 2021 under Sadbhavna Vrudhashram when the founder of the old age home, Vijay Dobariya decided to build a home for bulls after noticing the terrible conditions they had to suffer through. Sadbhavna Vrudhashram is already a well know old age home where the elderly are given a safe place to call home and where all their needs are taken care of. Vijay wanted to do the same for bulls too. They believe that whether it’s a human being or an animal, every old and helpless being deserves to be treated with respect. Their determination to give these bulls a better and more comfortable life has truly made a huge difference already.


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