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Please donate books for unprivileged

    Feel free to ask Campaigner for a new update on this Fundraiser.


    Education is a basic right of every child, but lakhs of children don’t get an opportunity to go to school due to severe financial constraints. Even if these kids want to attend government schools which provide free education, their parents can’t afford the basic school supplies to make this happen. The drop out rates amongst underprivileged is always getting higher.

    "Mission 10K - Books For Underprivileged" is an initiative to collect 10,000 books for underprivileged children in and around Hyderabad and Rangareddy. This initiative aims to bridge the gap between students and education by donating notebooks to the children who can’t attend school because of acute poverty.

    Many of these children are talented, and if given the right access they can do wonders for themselves. Please help our cause, and take these kids one step closer to a brighter future.


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