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Food For Abandoned, Sick, Needy Dogs On The Street And For Cows And Calves Rescued From Slaughterhouse

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    Pashu Seva Kendra provides food, shelter, treatment, and medicines to any animals and birds in Baroda and nearby villages. Cows, bulls, and calves A kind religious Guruji and his followers, the Hindu Parishad organization, and Meena Amin, Founder and Managing Director of Pashu Seva Kendra rescued cows, bulls, and calves on their way to slaughterhouses and gave a safe and clean shelter at Pashu Seva Kendra - A Ray of Hope and Survival.

    Pashu Seva Kendra is a family of about 100 cows, bulls, and calves, including an extended family. Dogs - Every dog sheltered at Pashu Seva Kendra has its own story. Either they were abandoned, sick - without anyone to care for them and provide treatment, under treatment, off the streets because of an accident or starvation, to be euthanized because there was no further hope of survival, and so on.

    Dogs in Streets of Baroda - And here are the ones who live the rain, come summer, winters and wag their tail - welcoming every passer-by in a hope of some compassion and kindness. Pashu Seva Kendra reaches out to these streets of Baroda come rain and brings sunshine to their lives through on streets.

    For example, Anu is an abandoned cow tied to the gates of our ashram one morning. it took us some time to realize she is visually challenged - a jersey breed. She now lives at the ashram as her new home. Tiku came to the ashram one late evening from the High Court street area. On medical check-up, she was bitten by dogs all over her body, had a malnourished condition, a very low hemoglobin level, a fractured leg, and had tick fever. Tiku was under treatment at the ashram. Tiku now lives at the ashram as her new home.

    Baked with love, food for the souls. As part of our continued tradition of providing the best of the best for our children at Pashu Seva Kendra, we look to your love, generosity, compassion, kindness, and support to help us serve - keeping in mind yours and our best - these God-sent, innocent, and beautiful children with their extended families with daily food and nourishment. Another side of the coin is malnutrition. "Support Us to Serve Better" - Pashu Seva Kendra. Last but not least,  we do believe that it is important to believe in a cause and also a way to give back to our society.

    About NGO

    Pashu Seva Kendra - Pashu Seva Kendra is one of the oldest animal welfare centers in Baroda. The Kendra was started in 1986 by Meena Amin,  as a personal mission for the welfare of animals. Pashu Seva Kendra is today's 8 won award organization, a registered trust,  also registered with the Animal Welfare Board of India and Meena Amin is one of the members of the Board.


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