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Donate Food to the Poor & Support Prasanna Trust

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    Over 14% of the Indian population is undernourished. Widespread poverty is one of the primary causes of hunger. More than 20% of India’s population works on less than minimum wages and  as a result, has no access to nutritious food. 

    Donate Food to the Poor - Feed Thousands Of Homeless And Starving People By Supporting Prasanna Trust - DonateKart 

    “India is home to the largest number of hungry people in the world. Pangs of hunger can make people do things that they haven’t ever thought of. Millions of slum dwellers struggle to get two square meals a day. Similarly, families which come to the city for medical treatment, are unable to afford food. We wish to help these people in need and ensure that they don’t suffer without food,” - Sri Ram Venkat H, Director - Corporate Relationships, Prasanna Trust. 

    Feed the Needy -  Help Prasanna Trust to feed Hungry People - DonateKart 

    Anna Danam to all those who struggle for a morsel of food 

    Founded by Swami Sukhobodhananda in 1982, Prasanna Trust has been working whole-heartedly for the poor and the underprivileged. The Trust aims at bridging the gap between the wealthy and the poor by providing a platform to all those who want to help people in need. Since their inception, they have served around 4.8 million meals and are continuing to do the same even today. 

    Give Food to Needy - Donate for Poor & Support Prasanna Trust - DonateKart

    “During the COVID-19 Challenge, we fed up to 12,000 people every day by serving food at NIMHANS, Jayadeva, Jayanagar, Sir C V Raman, ESI - Government Hospitals, and Nirguna Mandir. But even though the country is no longer under lockdown and things are slowly coming back to normal, there are millions of people still struggling for food.” 

    Feed the Poor - Help Prasanna Trust in Giving Food to the Needy - DonateKart 

    Serving over 7500 meals per day, Prasanna Trust is the ray of hope for families who have been starving for days. Be it the homeless on the streets or the caregivers of patients in the hospitals, warm nutritious meals provided by this Trust is the reason they don’t sleep on empty stomachs. 

    Donate groceries to feed the hungry 

    It is said that Anna Danam is the biggest charity that one can do for those in need. Prasanna Trust has taken upon itself the responsibility of feeding thousands of hungry souls in the streets of Bangalore. Your support can help them reach out to many more. 

    Give Food to Needy - Donate to Feed Homeless People - DonateKart

    We request you to please donate groceries so that we can prepare good quality, nutritious food for those in need. These families survive on only water on some days, trying to pay the medical bills they forsake their lunch and dinner - with your help we can give them warm meals.” 

    About the NGO:

    Founded by Swami Sukhobodhananda in 1982, Prasanna Trust has been working whole-heartedly for the poor and the underprivileged. The Trust aims at bridging the gap between the wealthy and the poor by providing a platform to all those who want to help people in need. 

    Note: All the donations towards this campaign are eligible for Indian Tax Exemption.


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