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Stray Animals Are Our Responsibility Which Every Human Should Take Care

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    This is a very crucial time for us as humans and also for the homeless animals. They are not getting their daily leftover, surplus food, from their usual spots due to COVID-19 lockdowns. We are continuing our work to feed stray animals during the lockdown, by taking necessary precautions and obtaining required permissions.There are so many hungry homeless animals on streets searching for food and we are willing to provide for them. We need your help to feed more and more stray animals.

    Animals have offered friendship to humanity, since the beginning of time. It's time humanity fulfils the obligation.Capable are accountable for the helpless and incapable, This is true for animals as well as all aspects of human life. If the capable do not commit to help the incapable, then helpless are bound to get wounded and suffer.

    We held ourselves accountable and asked peers and friends to understand this accountability and started this journey to raise funds and resources and expertise and volunteers to address animal food insecurities in the nation. Animal food insecurity is a fundamental issue that everyone is capable of relating to.

    We have millions of stray animals including dogs and cats all around us. All of them are struggling for food and water and have their own ecosystem of problems that need our attention.We chose to address hunger and food insecurity of animals as it is easier for people to identify with this issue and people can come together in order to address this issue.

    An attentive community can address all sorts of problems and enable all required operations and hence this is more about people coming together and giving attention to these homeless animals. Hunger is the reason we are organizing such a community willing to identify and address the problems of homeless animals. 

    Amidst situations like lockdowns, survival has become more challenging than ever for homeless animals and it is our responsibility as sensitive human beings to address those problems. We ask people to join hands and come together and make sure we feed all stray animals in the nation.


    About the NGO

    Humans are privileged to do something about our mother nature. We believe in giving back to nature what we have taken so that the cycle continues. That is our mission to do everything possible to give back to nature through animal care or any other way possible.

    Roaming Paws Foundation , founded with the aim to serve our animals and have reached the cause in the following ways -

    1. We have been feeding an uncountable number of animals through our feeders and members.

    2. Time to time rescue cases are handled by the team which covers their treatment and all.

    3. We have provided medical treatments to hundreds of wounded animals and vaccinated an uncountable number of animals and we continue to do so as we come across the needy.

    NGO have continued feeding and taking care of stray animals during the lockdown. We are trying to reach out to as many strays as possible every day.

    Note: All the donations  towards this campaign is eligible for Indian Tax Exemption.


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