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Robbed Of A Happy Childhood, These Kids Need Help To Fight Back And Live A Better Life

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    “I have seen 9-year-olds unable to recall their names or even where they came from. Some come from troubled families, while others have come to the City of Dreams looking for better opportunities or maybe just a morsel of food. These children don’t need our judgment but our empathy. For the last three decades, we have given children like this hope for a better future, with your help, we can do so much more,” - Vijay Pawar, Project Director, SUPPORT.

    Victims of circumstances, these children often resist any help but time and kindness change everything 

    For over 38 years now, the Society Undertaking Poor People’s Onus for Rehabilitation (SUPPORT) has been rescuing and rehabilitating hundreds of underprivileged children. They have united many of them with their families and those who have no one to look after them, end up staying in SUPPORT’s shelter home. 

    “We had started with just 6 children and currently we have 35 children staying with us in our Vakola, Mumbai home and 65 children from tribal communities staying in our Palghar home. We not only feed them nutritious food and take care of their medical needs but also educate them and encourage them to learn different skills that would help them get good jobs.”

    SUPPORT was started by a group of like-minded college friends who wanted to serve society and protect underprivileged children from social evils. Over the years, they have been using a detailed and well-researched process to approach these issues. 

    “It is normal for them to ignore us, run away from us, or sometimes even threaten us. Although just teenagers, some of them had even ended up committing crimes. The ice-breaking process is slow and requires a lot of patience. It helps to have members on our team who have gone through the same and know exactly what is going on in their minds.”

    Vijay explains this is a difficult journey for the kids to make and it is painful to watch them children suffer so much. They shout, throw up, or even try to end their lives. But with proper care from experts and professionals, they slowly start their journey toward recovery. 

    “That is our ultimate goal - to make these children self-sufficient so that they can be a part of mainstream society. We have had survivors who have overcome so many challenges and are now working in private enterprises or doing prestigious jobs in government offices. Some of them even join our organisation, we have one of them taking care of the kitchen in the Mumbai home.”

    You can help SUPPORT give a better life to these children

    Vijay Pawar explains that the daily expenses of the NGO are borne from donations by well-wishers and other grants. But he adds that it’s not enough. They want to take in more and more kids in need of help but that won’t be possible without proper infrastructure.

    “We request you to please come forward and help us with groceries and hygiene products for our children. They deserve a life of happiness and comfort and your donations will help make that dream a reality.” 

    About the NGO: SUPPORT was started by a group of like-minded college friends who wanted to serve society and protect underprivileged children from major social evils. Over the years, they have been using a detailed and well-researched process to approach thousands of underprivileged children sucked into the realm on social evils. They have united many of them with their families and those who have no one to look after them, end up staying in SUPPORT’s shelter home in Vakola, Mumbai, and in Palghar, Maharashtra. SUPPORT believes that everyone deserves a fair chance and for over three decades now, they have been uplifting countless children who have been victims of circumstances.


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