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Donate To Help The Poor & Elderly

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    You must have come across elderly couples, begging at the signals, asking for a morsel of food. In that fraction of a second, we often don’t have time to spare for them and even if we end up giving them some money, nothing changes for these unfortunate souls who have no one to call their own. Burdened by the worries of life, they still struggle to make ends meet. Plagued by illnesses, so many of them breathe their last on the streets - their own families don’t come to save them.

    Helping the Elderly - Support Second Chance Foundation in Feeding the Elderly - DonateKart

    Homelessness is a major issue in India even today. Close to 18 million elderly in India are homeless. These are people who have been forced to live on the streets because their own families have abandoned them. At a time, when they need utmost love and attention, they’re left to fend for themselves. Hungry and tired, these people can’t even afford to take a bath or wear clean clothes. Maggots crawl over their bodies as these unfortunate souls embrace their death on the streets. 

    Jasper Paul started the Second Chance Foundation in 2017, an NGO that rescues and rehabilitates people from the streets of Hyderabad. Jasper finds them in horrible conditions, most of them on their death bed - waiting for a comfortable place to die. 

    Donate to Elderly - Help Old Age People to Live a Better Life - DonateKart


    At the Second Chance home, all their food, living, and medical needs are taken care of, and they are served with love and care by the people working there. Today, Jasper has three such homes in Hyderabad for the abandoned and needy. With Jasper’s care and love, hundreds of helpless souls get a new life in these homes. A refuge to the poor and needy, Jasper is on a mission to give them the life they deserve.


    Helping Elder - Support Jasper in Taking Care of Elder People - DonateKart


    A near-death experience inspired Jasper to take up the cause of the needy 

    Jasper met with a severe accident. His car somersaulted thrice, but he made it without a single scratch on my body. 


    “That incident always made me wonder why God saved me, what my purpose was. And I found it soon enough - to help and serve people who have been abandoned and are on the brink of death. Everywhere I went, I could see helpless people on the road, especially old people who no one wanted to take in. All around me I could see injustice.” - Jasper Paul 

    Donate for Needy - Help Second Chance Foundation to Feed the Poor & Helpless People - DoateKart

    Jasper got a second chance at life and made it his mission to give others the same. 


    Everyone has a place at the Second Chance home. Even though so many of them are nearing death, I see to it that they’re well taken care of and go with peace and dignity.”  


    Jasper needs your support to help many more elderlies in need 


    Charity for Old People - Second Chance Foundation Taking Care of Old & Helpless People - DonateKart


    Jasper believes that every day is an opportunity to help someone in need. He has saved over 600 people until now and continues to be relentless in his efforts to give them a better life and home. For him, the smile on their faces when they know they’ve found a safe home is worth everything. Jasper has also worked fervently during the pandemic, distributing oxygen cylinders and concentrators to the needy during the second wave. 


    Feed the Needy - Donate for Needy to help old & poor People - Donatekart


    Right now, he needs your support to feed the residents of the Second Chance home. The grocery that you donate will ensure that they get fresh and healthy meals every day and live a more comfortable life. With little support, you can make a huge difference in their lives. 


    About the NGO:

    Started in 2017 by Jasper Paul, the Second Chance Foundation is an NGO that rescues and rehabilitates people who are left to die on the streets of Hyderabad. Jasper ensures that all their food, living and medical needs are taken care of here. Today, they have around 130 people who rely on Second Chance every day. 

    Note: All the donations  towards this campaign is eligible for Indian Tax Exemption


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