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Providing Blankets to needy in rural India
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In view of the ongoing cold wave across India, the need to protect the vulnerable section is imminent. We have been receiving few SOS calls from our area of work regarding this.
On surveying, we got to know there is a need for 1000 to 1200 blankets to cover few villages considering the geographical conditions the winter will continue for next 15 days to a month which means we have to act now to protect the needy kindly help us in protecting these lives.
About the NGO
Founded in 2018 as an educational start-up we have taken up pro-bono activities during a pandemic, we have touched lives in the following ways
1) we have distributed 5 lakh plus meals to nearly 30k people in 2 states (Haryana and U.P.).
2) During the pandemic we focused on making our villages self-reliant on 3 fronts. Health, education, and livelihood under our initiative Gramoday.
3) Under Gramoday we have started a program called Akshara under which we are first building library and them making them smart.
4) To address job creation and wealth generation in villages we have started an initiative called Swablamban under which we have trained 20+ rural women in food processing and we are connecting 40+ formers with Indian and global markets providing them remunerative prices.
5) In order to make health affordable and accessible for all in rural India we have started an initiative Amrut where we are connecting doctors from a prestigious institution with patients in rural India through TeleMedicine.
Note: All the donations towards this campaign are eligible for Indian Tax Exemption.
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