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When The World Ignores Their Pain, Bhesana Gaushala Gives Hundreds Of Animals A Safe Home

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    In 2000, Rama ben and Sharada ben, set out on a mission to protect hundreds of cattle and other animals in need in Gujarat. They were two sisters, with one aim - to give animals the love, compassion, respect and care they deserve. And they haven’t looked back ever since.

    “However, last month, I tragically lost my sister Rama. I can’t put into words the grief and pain I’m going through, but I want to continue tirelessly caring for these animals in my sister’s memory. She was always my source of strength, we only had each other to rely on. I will always remember the dedication with which she loved and looked after these animals. I will carry her vision for this sanctuary forward.” - Sharada ben, Co-founder, Bhesana Gaushala 

    As Sharada Ben tends to the animals they both hold dear, she can’t help but worry about the future of the gaushala. With over 2200+ cattle along with other animals, she just can’t manage to look after all of them without help.

    Hundreds Of Cattle Are Being Abandoned By People Due To Poverty 

    Bhesana Gaushala is a sanctuary not just for cows - it extends its warm embrace to 500 other animals like peacocks, dogs, swans, pigeons, rabbits and more. Each animal has a story of pain and suffering, and each of them has been nurtured back to health here. 

    “Whether it’s an innocent cow abandoned for being sick and old, or a helpless pigeon that has been injured, we take in all these animals. However, a majority of the animals here are cattle. So many of them come to us in such terrible conditions because of accidents - they have such painful, big wounds. And we’ve seen that many of them are also abandoned since farmers themselves are burdened with their own struggles like hunger and poverty. They can barely feed their families, how will they look after the cows?” - Sureshbhai, volunteer

    Thankfully all these cows in Bhesana, Gujarat find a safe home at this gaushala. At Bhesana, all the animals are given nutritious food, shelter, the medical treatment they need and above all, love.

    However, They Face Several Challenges Every Day

    Bhesana Gaushala faces an uphill battle to secure regular funds, making it challenging to provide food for all the diverse animals at their sanctuary, while also looking after their medical needs. 

    “With your support, we can give them the life that Rama ben always wanted for them. We can save them from cruelty, pain and abuse, and give the older animals a comfortable life in their last years.”

    This sanctuary needs help to get fodder, animal food and medicines for all the innocent animals living there. Your support can make a huge difference. 

    About the NGO: Started in 2000 by sisters Rama Ben and Sharada Ben, Bhesana Gaushala is on a mission to protect animals in need in Gujarat. Despite the recent tragic loss of Rama Ben, Sharada Ben remains devoted to their shared cause. With over 2200+ cattle and various animals at Bhesana Gaushala, she faces challenges in providing care alone. Bhesana Gaushala extends its embrace to 500 animals, each with a tale of pain and recovery. Abandoned due to illness, old age, and even poverty many animals find refuge here. Despite daily challenges, the sanctuary ensures all animals receive nutritious food, shelter, medical care, and love.


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