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Join Hands With Together We Can & Help Them Feed Fresh Fodder To 70+ Rescued Cows

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    As the summer sun beats down on the green pastures, the cows graze peacefully, content with the lush grass that grows around them. However, as the summer months stretch on, the grass begins to dry up and lose its nutrients, leaving the cows hungry and searching for fresh fodder.

    To provide these rescued cows with the sustenance they need, it is important to understand what types of food will be beneficial for them during the hot summer months. Cows are herbivores, which means that their diet consists primarily of plant material such as hay, grass, and silage.

    To ensure that the rescued cows have access to fresh fodder throughout the summer, it may be necessary to harvest and store large quantities of hay or silage. These can be made by cutting and drying grasses, legumes, or other plants, and then storing them in a dry, cool place. It is also important to make sure that the hay or silage is free from mold or other contaminants that could harm the cows.

    Providing fresh fodder for rescued cows during the hot summer months is essential to their health and well-being, and with your support, we can do it.

    About the NGO: Vivek Malik, the founder of “HELPFLIX," believes that the high share of stray cattle in the country is due to various factors, including the neglect of the indigenous populations and an excessive focus on crossbreeding. Through the initiative, their NGO aims to shelter both cows and dogs together and provide them with a safe and secure home. Their first physical shelter was established in 2022 at Murthal, Haryana, India, and the initiative aims to reach all states by 2028. The campaign also aims to build more shed space to accommodate more animals.


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