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Please donate school supplies for poor and needy children
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The idea of providing school bags and stationery kits came to Mr. Karutha Pandi(the founder) five years ago.When he was traveling in a bus on the outskirts of Kadalur he happened to see books dropping from a boy's schoolbag. Sadly, the kid wasn't aware of it as he was visually challenged.
Hence Karutha Pandi brought him a new bag. The happiness that kid had on having his new bag still remains in his memory. This is where everything began. On having a further conversation, he found out that the boy’s parents were daily wage earners and sending him to school itself was a big deal.
Ever since then he is being sponsored by Vasantham Charitable Trust. Now he’s pursuing his undergraduate degree in Nandhanam arts college, Chennai. Kindly help Vasantham Charitable Trust to light up many more lives by donating to this campaign.
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