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A Messiah To The Poor, This Rare Condition Warrior Is Feeding And Making A Difference One Life At A Time
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December 2020. 41-year-old Vikrant Vij from Delhi was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma. It is the rare condition of the lymphatic system - Vikrant’s own immune system is acting up against his body. However, Vikrant is a fighter. He didn't let this deadly disease bring him down.
“Visits to the hospital became a routine. And that’s when I noticed that there were so many who were unable to afford food. These were the attendants of the patients and more often than not, they spent their days on a single meal or sometimes just water. I decided to get some food for them from home during my next visit. Soon, more and more people started coming looking for food. I felt happy and helpless at the same time. I was happy because I was able to make a difference but helpless because I knew it wasn’t enough,” - Vikrant Vij.
The beginning of Apurva - The Hand Foundation
Vikrant told his family about his dilemma and his father immediately suggested opening an NGO to serve the needy. However, the pandemic and the multiple restrictions forced them to postpone the thought. It was not until Vikrant’s father passed away due to a heart attack that he decided to act on his father’s last wish.
“I started the Foundation in my daughter’s name - Apurva. I am a single parent and she is the most important person in my life now. I know my life is fraught with uncertainties but even after I am gone, she will remember me via this organization and the work I did.”
The feeding programme started with donations from friends and family but soon word started to spread on social media and help started pouring in. Spearheaded by Vikrant, the group now has six people - all of them working professionals. Vikrant’s brother, Abhishek, takes care of the finances and handles the social media while Abhishek’s wife, Nitu handles the distribution and hygiene bit of the programme.
Vikrant needs your help to continue his noble endeavour
“We are now able to serve over 300 meals per week. There have been days when I can hardly get up from the bed because of the chemotherapy. I am nauseous and in pain but somehow, I convince myself to go out there and help more people. Because I know that their condition is worse than mine. I want to continue doing this work till I have time in my hand. But I won’t be able to do it alone, I need your help.”
Vikrant has relegated his pain and discomfort to the backseat and has made it his mission to serve the poor and needy and feed fresh meals. A small donation from our side will make a big difference and help Vikrant get groceries to feed hundreds in need.
Note: All the donations towards this campaign are eligible for Indian Tax Exemption.
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