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Wings of Freedom
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Rescuing Distressed Animals: One of the primary objectives of the AWCS is to rescue animals in distress. The society's highly skilled and dedicated team of volunteers ensures swift action when alerted about animals trapped in perilous situations. Whether it be an injured wildlife creature, a stray animal in need of medical attention, or a distressed pet, the AWCS mobilizes its resources promptly and professionally. The organization's primary focus is to alleviate suffering and restore the health and well-being of these animals, the AWCS helps create a balance between human development and the preservation of wildlife.
Aiding Birds Caught in Manjha Threads: Birds, particularly those of the avian species, often fall prey to manjha threads—a type of sharp kite string coated with glass or metal shards. These threads pose a severe threat to the lives of these magnificent creatures, as they can cause severe injuries and even fatalities. Recognizing this issue, the AWCS actively engages in the rescue and rehabilitation of birds caught in manjha threads.
Rescue and rehabilitate distressed animals caught in manjha threads during kite flying festivals.
Raise awareness about the dangers posed by manjha threads to birds and other animals.
Creating a Safe Haven for Birds: The AWCS understands the importance of providing birds with safe habitats, especially in the face of rapid urbanization and habitat destruction. To address this challenge, the society has initiated several projects aimed at creating safe havens for birds. They work tirelessly to identify and protect critical bird habitats, establish nesting sites, and promote environmental conservation practices.
Your generous contributions will support rescue operations, rehabilitation efforts, and the creation of safe havens for birds. Every donation counts! Together, let's be the voice for the voiceless and ensure the freedom and safety of birds and wildlife. Join the Animal Warrior Conservation Society's "Wings of Freedom" campaign and let our actions speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.
About the NGO: Animal Warriors Conservation Society is formed with dedication towards the conservation and protection of nature and wildlife.
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