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These Cows Have Suffered Through The Worst, Help Dharam Raj Ranka Give Them A Healthy Life

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    Dharam Raj Ranka has been fighting for the rights of cows since 1991. What started as a small effort with 200 cows is now only increasing in number and support. Today, the 6000 cows at Satyam Dietym Sundaram Gau Nivas are given shelter, fodder and medical support. Above all, they’re given love and respect.

    “I was once a jeweler, but now I’ve dedicated my life to the service and protection of cows. I believe that we need to be committed to helping these voiceless souls every day of our lives. I’m actively involved in every day-to-day activity and ensure that these cows are given the best possible care. They deserve a world of love, and at Satyam Dietym Sundaram Gau Nivas they get just that.” - Dharam Raj Ranka, Founder, Satyam Dietym Sundaram Gau Nivas

    The need for a safe and secure home for cows is an important one. There are thousands of cows who are treated with utmost cruelty and suffer injuries and illnesses in silence because of us humans.

    This Gaushala Is A Happy Place For Thousands Of Cows

    Satyam Dietym Sundaram Gau Nivas is South India’s biggest gaushala, located on three acres of land in Hyderabad and home to over 6000 cows. These cows, after going through a world of pain, have found a safe place where they can be healthy and happy all thanks to Dharam Raj Ranka.

    With over 115 staff members and two veterinarians to help with any medical issues. They also produce fertilizers for local farmers. However, despite doing their best to feed and protect these gentle creatures, the gaushala faced a major hurdle with the Covid-19 pandemic. With lockdowns and a lack of funds, Dharam Raj Ranka and his team were struggling to feed their cows. The people who would usually donate fodder, couldn’t help any longer - people couldn’t leave their homes, they lost their jobs and had no means to support themselves.

    Last time, amidst this crisis, hundreds of you came forward to lend a helping hand to these cows. Now it’s your chance to show your support again to Dharam Raj Ranka’s cause.

    They Need Your Help To Save Our Cows 

    Despite the tireless and noble work that Dharam Raj Ranka has been doing, there continue to be so many cows who still need help. Many of them are sent to slaughterhouses when they stop giving milk, they’re abandoned, abused, and even injured.

    I started Satyam Dietym Sundaram Gau Nivas to help these cows and give them a place to call home. And now I need your help to continue my work. With your support, I can get healthy food for our cows and give them the chance of a better life.”

    Donate fodder and help Dharam Raj Ranka look after thousands of cows as he has been for so many years. Let these animals not suffer any longer.

    About Satyam Dietym Sundaram:
    Satyam Dietym Sundaram Gau Nivas is a shelter for rescued cows, founded by Mr. Dharam Raj Ranka, a city jeweller from Hyderabad. Since 1991, it has been his mission to protect cows from illegal slaughterhouses, and he has rescued and rehabilitated over 6000 cows in his shelter so far.  This cow shelter aims to provide a happy life to the rescued cows. They are well looked after, given due medical attention and fodder. The shelter even has a working staff of over 115 people and 2 resident veterinarians to look after these innocent animals.


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