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Save Cows By Donating To This Gaushala
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We rely on our Gau Mata, the humble cow, to provide us with nutritious milk. We ensure that our children drink their milk and are healthy from it. We make sweets that are tasty, rich and flavorful with their milk. But today, because of the Corona crisis, our Gau Mata is suffering. The Corona lockdown has hurt the lives of so many innocent humans and animals.
Dharam Raj Ranka Jain built a huge Goshala in Hyderabad to save these humble cows from being turned into meat. He fought this atrocity by helping these docile animals with shelter and fodder. What started out as a small effort with 200 cows to save these docile creatures is now home to thousands of cows. Satyam Dietym Sundaram Gau Niwas, the largest cow shelter in Southern India is home to almost 6000 cows. Mr. Dharam says, “Let us return the cow its rightful place culturally, religiously and economically.”
In this Gosahala, the cows aren’t there to be milked or tortured. They enjoy a calm and carefree life.
The Goshala has over 100 members in its Staff and 2 veterinarians to help with any medical issues. With the lockdown in place, no donors are coming forward to help feed these cows. The donors who used to donate fodder aren’t around. Mr. Dharam and his staff have trouble feeding these cows. He needs your help to feed his animals and overcome this painful crisis.
Give these animals a way to overcome the crisis by donating fodder.
About The NGO:
Satyam Dietym Sundaram - Satyam Dietym Sundaram Gau Niwas is a shelter for rescued cows, founded by Mr. Dharam Raj Ranka, a city jeweller from Hyderabad. Since 1991, it has been his mission to protect cows from illegal slaughter houses, and he has rescued and rehabilitated over 5000 cows, in his shelter so far. This cow shelter aims to provide a happy life to the rescued cows. They are well looked after, given due medical attention and fodder. The shelter even has a working staff of over 100 people & 2 resident veterinarians to look after these innocent animals.
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