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Please help Seva Kitchen feed less privileged people during the Corona crisis.
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The Corona outbreak has left people locked in their homes. The safety measures are required to stop the spread of this deadly virus. However, thousands of people across the country are daily wage workers who do not have their daily wages. They cannot afford to feed themselves and their families. SEVA Kitchen has been working for years to tackle hunger.
In Nagpur, they have received special permission from Nagpur Municipal Corporation. They are responsibly working towards providing food to people during the Corona crisis.
They need your help to feed thousands of individuals who come from marginalized communities. People who come from marginalized communities can hardly afford a square meal per day when they go to work. With the lockdown in place, many domesticated helpers, daily wage labourers, construction workers and people from the slums have no food to eat. The severe shortage of food has made it impossible for anyone to buy any supplies. You can help by donating towards their daily needs.
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