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Thinking Of Adopting An Indie? Here’s What You Need To Know

2 min read

The Indian street dogs or “Indies” are friendly and loyal dogs found throughout the country. They are native to India and are well-adapted to the tropical weather. However, until recently, they weren’t thought of as pets deserving the same status as other dog breeds. They are such a common sight…


#DonatekartSpills: The Great Resignation And How We’re All Coping

2 min read

People are no longer ready to stay at a job that fails to give them satisfaction. Have you too been feeling something similar off late and wanting to reevaluate your options? We’re here to tell you that it is completely normal and that this is something that is happening worldwide.…


How Do Crowdfunding Platforms Ensure Transparency?

2 min read

Online crowdfunding platforms have become a powerful tool for helping those in need by raising support in times of crisis. However, many still retain their skepticism about the effectiveness and transparency of campaigns which deters them from donating. It is essential to understand that successful campaigns with thousands of supporters…


5 Sportspersons Around The World Who’ve Used Crowdfunding

2 min read

Crowdfunding helps make people’s lives better, whether it is by allowing people to donate for supporting others’ lives or whether it allows a person to fulfil their dreams. Be it by helping them get financial support for their dream business, to get the desired education, or compete in an event…


5 NGOs In India You Can Volunteer With To Make A Difference

3 min read

We’ve all been there — helplessly watching as everything around us feels like it’s crumbling. Especially in the last year or so. These are difficult times, and now more than ever, it’s evident that even a small gesture of kindness can go a long, long way. If you’ve been wondering…